Privacy Policy

    Personal Information

    All personal billing and recipient information we process are provided to us by the customer when placing an order through the checkout phase on our website. After completion of the order, the customer will receive an email with the order receipt, detailing the following personal information.

    Billing Details:

    Email address

    Recipient Details:


    Any other details and contact methods for the recipient may be provided by you, the customer, in the Instructions Box in the Checkout page on our website, or through further communication with email. Any information provided to us in order to facilitate the delivery of the flowers will only be used for the purposes of fulfilling your order, which you entrust with us upon completion of your order. We reserve the right to contact you, the customer, using the billing details you have provided through E-mail, WhatsApp or SMS as the primary methods of communication. Information transmitted through any method of communication will be related solely to fulfilling your order. We guarantee that no promotional material by us or third parties will be sent to you unless agreed to in advance.

    Other Information

    Other information stored in our database includes any order-related information which is directly related to fulfilling the delivery of your order. These include:

    Delivery Date
    Product(s) Ordered
    Size of the Product(s) Ordered
    Card Message
    Payment Method
    Order Value

    You can request access or that we delete your personal data from our database by sending us an email to